Biophoton therapy
Mode of action
Biophoton therapy is a healing method based on the power of light. It works by stimulating specific areas with light and color. This helps restore harmony and balance in the body and relieve physical and emotional discomfort.
Biophotons are light quanta that are emitted by cells. Healthy cells emit more biophotons than sick or damaged cells. With biophoton therapy, weakened cells are supplied with light in the form of photons to stimulate them to regenerate.
The biophotons emit coherent light that can restore the correct exchange of information between our body functions. The Biophoton device can deliver photons that are specifically applied to the affected or diseased area to increase lymphatic flow, immune reactions and metabolism.
Areas of application
Remedy for various problems
The therapy can successfully provide relief for disorders such as bedwetting, depression, sleep problems or skin diseases
Improvement of mood and illnesses
Other areas in which biophoton therapy has been particularly useful include improving mood, appetite disorders, arteriosclerosis, arthritis, biotoxin disease, chronic illnesses, chronic fatigue and exhaustion.
Promote oxygen and nutrient transport
The biophotons promote the transport of oxygen and nutrients and thus contribute to faster healing of injured tissue.
Regeneration of diseased cells
The therapy contributes to the regeneration of diseased cells and can therefore alleviate numerous complaints.